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 Postdate   Summary 
09/04/2024 A committed high school teacher who is passionate about delivering lessons to high school students. Focused and driven to promote student improvement through continuous academic progress monitoring. Dedicated to developing an effective high school mathematics curriculum that focuses on achieving realistic objectives.
Resume Category : -
Current Location : Godhra - Gujarat - Other
 Postdate   Summary 
08/27/2024 I am willing to do work in Canada, if employer give me a chance i will doing my best
Resume Category : -
- Architecture/Design
- Other
- Phy Science
- Real Estate
Current Location : RAWALPINDI - PAKISTAN - Other
 Postdate   Summary 
Resume Category : - Administrative
Current Location : Salem - Other
 Postdate   Summary 
08/02/2024 Buyer with Green Belt Certified
Resume Category : -
- Customer Service
- Government/Social
- somenew
- test111
Current Location : Pune - Maharashtra - Other
 Postdate   Summary 
07/11/2024 Curriculum vitae
Resume Category : - Administrative
Current Location : Garoua - North - Other