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September 16 2024     EnglishEnglish    FrancaisFrancais

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 Date publication   Résumé 
14/09/2024 Here's a summary for a CV based on the information you provided: *Summary:* Dedicated and detail-oriented receptionist with 8 years of experience in providing exceptional customer service, phlebotomy, and administrative support. Proven ability to create a welcoming and efficient front-office environment. Skilled in computer data entry software, with excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Holding a 2-year diploma in Pathology and various online certifications, with a strong passion f
Retour à la Catégorie : - Automotive
- Aviation/Aerospace
- Beauty/Fashion
- Military
- Military Veteran
- Trades/Const
Lieu : kohat - khyber pukhtunkhwa - Other
 Date publication   Résumé 
13/09/2024 Assistant Professor of mathematics
Retour à la Catégorie : - Administrative
Lieu : Fés - Fés - Other
 Date publication   Résumé 
12/09/2024 I am an IT industry professional with a Bachelor of Engineering in Information and communications and have been employed in various capacities in that field including as a system analyst, IT team lead, and now a product | project manager. I have 3+ Years of Experience in product leadership and management. I am skilled in requirement gathering and analysis, road mapping, agile project delivery, project management, user behavioral analysis, and wireframing. During my time as an IT team lead, I was
Retour à la Catégorie : - Sales/Sales Mgmt
Lieu : Kosofe - Lagos - Ontario
 Date publication   Résumé 
04/09/2024 A committed high school teacher who is passionate about delivering lessons to high school students. Focused and driven to promote student improvement through continuous academic progress monitoring. Dedicated to developing an effective high school mathematics curriculum that focuses on achieving realistic objectives.
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Lieu : Godhra - Gujarat - Other
 Date publication   Résumé 
27/08/2024 I am willing to do work in Canada, if employer give me a chance i will doing my best
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- Architecture/Design
- Other
- Phy Science
- Real Estate