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September 26 2024     EnglishEnglish    FrancaisFrancais

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 Mot de passe oublié ?

 Date publication   Résumé 
26/09/2024 Final-year IT student specializing in Cloud Computing and DevOps, actively seeking a graduation internship or professional opportunity to enhance my skills and gain handson experience
Retour à la Catégorie : - Sales/Sales Mgmt
Lieu : ( Confidentiel - RÉSERVÉES information)
 Date publication   Résumé 
21/09/2024 SEO Specialist | Content Marketing | Content Strategy | Digital Marketing & e-Commerce
Retour à la Catégorie : - Broadcast/Publishing
- Military Veteran
- Sales/Sales Mgmt
Lieu : Madrid - Madrid - Anywhere
 Date publication   Résumé 
14/09/2024 Here's a summary for a CV based on the information you provided: *Summary:* Dedicated and detail-oriented receptionist with 8 years of experience in providing exceptional customer service, phlebotomy, and administrative support. Proven ability to create a welcoming and efficient front-office environment. Skilled in computer data entry software, with excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Holding a 2-year diploma in Pathology and various online certifications, with a strong passion f
Retour à la Catégorie : - Automotive
- Aviation/Aerospace
- Beauty/Fashion
- Military
- Military Veteran
- Trades/Const
Lieu : kohat - khyber pukhtunkhwa - Other
 Date publication   Résumé 
13/09/2024 Assistant Professor of mathematics
Retour à la Catégorie : - Administrative
Lieu : Fés - Fés - Other
 Date publication   Résumé 
12/09/2024 I am an IT industry professional with a Bachelor of Engineering in Information and communications and have been employed in various capacities in that field including as a system analyst, IT team lead, and now a product | project manager. I have 3+ Years of Experience in product leadership and management. I am skilled in requirement gathering and analysis, road mapping, agile project delivery, project management, user behavioral analysis, and wireframing. During my time as an IT team lead, I was
Retour à la Catégorie : - Sales/Sales Mgmt
Lieu : Kosofe - Lagos - Ontario